Nutrition and Lifestyle Counseling
Nutrition is a major part of our health and fitness, we will counsel you on getting started to eating your way to great health.

Eight laws to good Health:
“Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in Divine power—these are the true remedies.” Ministry of Healing, p. 127.
Root Cause:
“When the abuse of health is carried so far that sickness results, the sufferer can often do for himself what no one else can do for him. The first thing to be done is to ascertain the true character of the sickness and then go to work intelligently to remove the cause. If the harmonious working of the system has become unbalanced by overwork, overeating, or other irregularities, do not endeavor to adjust the difficulties by adding a burden of poisonous medicines.” Ministry of Healing pg. 235
Future of Medicine:
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Thomas A. Edison
Intermittent Fasting:
“The stomach, when we lie down to rest, should have its work all done, that it may enjoy rest, as well as other portions of the body. The work of digestion should not be carried on through any period of the sleeping hours. After the stomach, which has been overtaxed, has performed its task, it becomes exhausted, which causes faintness. Here many are deceived, and think that it is the want of food, which produces such feelings, and without giving the stomach time to rest, they take more food, which for the time removes the faintness. And the more the appetite is indulged, the more will be its clamors for gratification…. The remedy such require is to eat less frequently and less liberally, and be satisfied with plain, simple food, eating twice, or, at most, three times a day. The stomach must have its regular periods for labor and rest; hence eating irregularly and between meals, is a most pernicious violation of the laws of health. With regular habits, and proper food, the stomach will gradually recover.” Counsels on Diet and Foods pg. 175.2
At Eden’s Holistic Connection we believe that intermittent fasting is one of the most beneficial way to restore the vital force. The 16:8 methods is the protocol we endorse, which involves daily fasts of 14-16 hours. On each day, you restrict your eating to an 8-10 hour where you can consume to 2-3 meals per day.
Let’s Get Started
Give us a call today so we can get you started to a great new way of eating your way to health.
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Eden's Holistic Connection
1050 East University Dr., Suite 1 & 2
Mesa, AZ 85203
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